Virkistyspäiväksi tekemistä yrityksille ja yhteisöille - valitse täältä.

General Terms of Use and Service

Here are our general and specific terms and conditions to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone.

General Terms of Use

Respect for others: I will treat others with respect and appreciation. I will adjust my voice level to ensure everyone can enjoy the facilities. I will not run or shout in the center, especially not on the mats under the climbing areas.

Safety first: I will not participate if I am sick, under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or strong medication. I understand that I am responsible for my own safety and well-being. I will ensure that I have adequate insurance coverage for my activities. We recommend purchasing insurance for your own protection.

Understanding the risks: I understand that there are inherent risks associated with these activities, especially climbing, and I will follow all safety instructions and rules. If I feel that any instructions are unclear or insufficient, I will ask for clarification. Our staff is happy to help.

Liability: The facility is not liable for any personal or property damage if the damage is caused by the customer's own intentional or negligent actions.

Climber´s Guidelines

Clear your pockets and leave no belongings on the mats.

Climbing routes are color-coded, but you can use any hold as long as you pay attention to other climbers. Routes start at the circular tags and end at the last hold (TOP), so please do not climb over the edge. If you have any questions about the routes, please ask a staff member.

Be mindful of other climbers. Avoid walking under someone who is climbing, and do not start climbing a route that crosses another route with a climber on it. This will allow the climber on the route to focus on their climb. While waiting, feel free to encourage other climbers!

Let everyone have a chance to solve the climbing puzzle themselves. This is one of the things that makes climbing so enjoyable. Everyone can find their own way to solve the problem. If you get stuck, ask a staff member or another climber for help.

Do not take unnecessary risks. Be aware of fatigue and try the challenge again when you are rested. A short break can work wonders. This will minimize injuries and allow you to have more healthy training days.

Always climb down to the mat level, if possible. There are descent handles or easy routes with good holds next to the routes that you can use to climb down instead of jumping. Please note that the climbing holds are rough and may damage your skin or clothing. The holds may also rotate; please report any observations of this to customer service immediately. We are not liable for any personal or material damage.

As a guardian, you are responsible for your children. Please do not leave them unattended and go through these guidelines with them.

Yogi´s Guidelines

Please arrive on time. Ideally, be in the studio at least 5 minutes before the class starts to relax. We cannot allow latecomers into the class once it has begun as we want to provide a peaceful environment for all participants.

We offer tea and water to help you settle in and create a relaxed atmosphere. Feel free to chat about the upcoming class or any other topic.

Kindly leave your shoes in the designated area.

Please leave all personal belongings such as bags, backpacks, and electronic devices (phones, smartwatches, etc.) on silent in the changing room.

Please respect your fellow students who wish to relax in quiet before and after the class. Please save your conversations for outside the studio.

We provide mats and towels for rent, but we recommend bringing your own. A water bottle is also a good idea. Please return rental equipment to the location indicated by the instructor.

The instructor will inform you if the studio becomes too crowded, but we aim to fill the studio evenly each time.

Please inform the instructor at the beginning of the class about any musculoskeletal problems, pregnancy, or significant changes in your health.

Classes often end with a final relaxation. Let's respect everyone and enjoy this most important part of the class. Please do not leave the class during the final relaxation.